The Air I Breathe, Worship As A lifestyle
This is a book i've been reading and I didn't really write down any notes while reading this book... Anyway, I'm gonna write down here the stuff i've learnt so far... =]
-We are created to worship, it is our response to what we value most in life.
-You become what you worship. So if you don't like who you're becoming, check whose sitting on the throne of your heart.
-It does not matter where you worship, It's who you worship that is important.
Here's another part of the book that I find really good:
Which would you prefer?
A dad who tells you how important you are
OR a dad who actually turns up for
the important stuff in your life?
Friends who keep reminding you how "tight" you
are OR friends who are there when you need
them most, never stabbing you in the back?
A "significant other" who makes you really cool
homemade cards telling you you're the best thing
that has ever happened to them
OR one who respects you, keeps your trust
and doesn't cheat on you?
Someone who tells you how special you are
OR someone who shows you?
Well if you're like me, the answer is... BOTH! I want the words and the actions, and i'm guessing the same can be said about you.
Well, God is no different than you and me. The worship God is after is BOTH kind of worship. He wants our words and our actions.
Really cool stuff huh? Oh and another thing i've learnt from, i can't remember where, is that lets always take time to think about God,the cross and all... Cos He is the reason why we go to church, exist, smile, be free in the face of troubles, so much more reasons why we should think about God! Let's never forget the reason why we exist and why there's church! =D
God bless!